After being attacked by a giant replica robot of himself in the last issue, Captain America vanished into Jimmny Jupiter alternate world. Everything seems fine at first as bravo toys with his mind. Till bravo puts Cap through the horror of having to face an alternate america turn to fascism. Bravo starts to kick Cap's ass in the alternate world and Cap is helpless. Bravo explains that his squad gets trap in the alternate world together with the other hydra agents in the mission years ago after Jimmy fell into a coma. Both Bravo and the hydra work together in order to survive in the alternate reality.

Meanwhile Nick Fury, Sharon Carter and Falcon tracks down the hydra agents from the alternate reality that has been behind all this. The hydra led by the queen is trying to merge the real world and the alternate world by using old Jimmy Jupiter using the world wide web. It sounds crazy but nonetheless hydra are convinced it will work. The trio of Falcon, Fury and Carter attacks just as hydra were implementing their evil scheme. Just as Carter were about to rescue old Jimmy, the queen held Jimmy hostage and threatens to kill the old man which would trap Cap in the alternate world.