Monday, April 30, 2007

Fallen Son: Wolverine #1

Depicts what Wolverine actions are after the death of Captain America. Here Wolverine is still in denial whether Cap have really died. So he embarks on a mission to proof beyond doubt that Cap is really dead, by checking out Cap's dead body.

So Wolverine gets going by trying to recruit Winter Soldier first to join him in infiltrating SHIELD's base where Cap's body was. Then moved on to getting Daredevil to his cause. Gets to see both Wolverine and Daredevil in a little action here. Well that's the most action one can get out of this book.

With the help of Doc Strange, both of them are able to enter the SHIELD helicarrier undetected. But not before confronting the one that shot Cap. Wolverine gets to interrogate Crossbones and tried as hard to find a reason to kill him. But backed out at the end as usual.

When Doc Strange spells finally wears of, Wolverine managed to chit chat a bit with Iron Man. But sadly no fight scene here as Iron Man let him go at the end. Not much of action but plenty of talking in this issue.

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