Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Avengers 15

The story starts off with the avengers sitting down for a chat again. Bendis has a knack for coming up with a lot of dialogues as always. Mostly the chat centered on spider woman of how she comes to be in avengers and her history with other avengers. Marvel girl, the cap and hawkeye also joined in gave their opinions on spider woman but slowly it builds up to the event leading to the chat where they encounter the hulk infused with the power from the hammer in fear itself event. Hulk was rampaging through the streets of Brazil when the avengers, spider woman, marvel girl and the protector drops in to stop him.

That was a bad idea as they were shell shocked by the hulk's  hammer pounding. The hulk moves to finish off spider woman but she stood her ground and fights back. Her zapping on hulk with electrical pulse is no match for the hulk and soon hulk have her on his grip. But Hawkeye's intervention from the air saved her. Hawkeye's arrows only proved to be a minor distraction to the hulk, even an arrow that is a direct hit through hulk's mouth is nothing. Hulk sends his hammer and ripped through the avenger's shuttle and hawkeye has to bail out. The Protector and Ms Marvel taking on the hulk is futile and the hulk is unstoppable.

Spider woman managed to save some kids stranded in the war zone as hulk was kept busy by Ms Marvel and Hawkeye. Hawkeye sends and electric charged arrow at the hulk and Ms Marvel lifting the hulk and throwing him at a fuel tank causing a massive blast. Hulk emerged from the blast unscathed as usual. The avengers together with the kids managed to hide out from the hulk in a truck. The story end with the avengers discussing the better way is to retreat from the fight that is no way to be won. Captain America sums it up well with a new plan of attack is needed or else their days are numbered.

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