Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Punisher 1

This is another relaunch of Punisher line of comic under new scribe Greg Rucka. It starts off with an incident where a wedding is gate crashed by some mercenaries and everyone gets killed including the bride and groom. The story then centered on two detectives, Bolt and Clemons as they investigates the mass murder. The Punisher hardly makes any appearance in the opening scenes as the story focuses on the duo of detectives trying to find leads.

Then the story zooms to the mercenary killers, the Punisher kills the light and one by one the mercenaries are being put out in the dark. Until the last member remains, and the Punisher leaves him alone. Simple story to kick off the first issue as the Punisher always gets his kill in the end. But the story doesn't end there.

There was another story at the end involving Detective Bolt and his previous partner doing surveillance on some drug gangs. The scene is recreated from Bolt relating the incident in and interview with another detective.  Two gangs are about to blow each other up, but Punisher is at the scene and puts out every gangs there is. Bolt concocts a fake story that Punisher wasn't there and in the end he gets all the credit knowing that his partner was killed off by Punisher for cold heatedly shooting another gangster in the back. Punisher doesn't take any favors and serves justice no matter which side one's on.

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