The ultimate action is all in this issue alone. The multiple action scene itself makes this issue a worthwhile read. Thor squares off straight away with the Thing and Hulk. Thor uses his mjnonir trick to outmaneuver Hulk and Thing but still gets a bashing. Thor strikes down the on rushing Thing by commanding mjolnir and the hammer strikes through the body of the Thing leaving him incapacitated but not dead. With the Thing out of the picture, that leaves Thor and Hulk to slug it out.

Meanwhile in the capital city, Captain America is battling Skadi/Sin. Serpent finally arrives at the capital city signalling his intent on world domination. The avengers arrives at the scene just in time to face off with the Serpent. Spiderman has the best line here calling the Serpent
Beardo suck it. But as expected the avengers is no match against a god as all fall in one blast. The penultimate of the fight happens when Serpent breaks the unbreakable shield of Captain America easily. After getting a hammering by the Serpent the avengers are left to regroup to fight another day of losing battle.

Thor's fight with Hulk is not over yet in downtown New York. Thor knowing he can't beat the Hulk uses his wits instead by sending the Hulk far far away in a bolt of thunder and lightning that screams to be heard in the page itself. At the end, Hulk was hovering in mid space and entering atmosphere hurling towards earth once more. On a losing battle the avengers will be most hopeful on Ironman to create god like weapons in a deal with Odin.