Saturday, September 17, 2011

Amazing Spiderman 667

The start of Spider island event is here. Things are starting to get weird when almost anyone gets spiderman's capabilities. And that includes Spiderman's girlfriend Carlie who is also a cop. Parker is now at wits end whether to let her girlfriend to go patrol around with her new powers. At the other end, a gathering of criminals is underway and the main villain uniting them all is the Jackal. The Jackal is planning something on a massive scale by 'infecting' all the criminal gangs with spider powers and also equipping them with spider gears.

It doesn't take long when the bunch of fake spidermans started to wreck havoc in downtown Manhattan, terrorizing and looting. Even Mary Jane gets caught in the middle of it. But help arrives when the avengers and FF arrives to stop the fake Spidermans. Meanwhile Parker and his girlfriend gets caught in the middle of a jam caused by the looting and Carlie swings off on hearing the disturbance on the radio. Spiderman arrives in the middle of a big fight. Spiderman got mistaken for one of the fakes and gets whacked by the Thing and IronFist. A pile of Spidermans are left on the street in the aftermath.

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