Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Punisher 2

The trail of blood goes on as the Punisher sneakily tracks the sole surviving member of the gang he targeted in the previous issue. Most of the action occurs in a whore house in South Bronx where Punisher unleashed hot lead on the gang members. Punisher leaves no bad guys behind this time around. So in retaliation the higher up bad guys hires a contract assassin to deal with the Punisher.

On the other end the two detectives investigating the mass killing in the wedding managed to question the only survivor of the shooting, Mrs Alves. But they end up with no clues as the sole witness is in shocked and traumatized. Meanwhile the Punisher's tracking leads him to the upper level of the gang members responsible for the wedding murders. But the bad guys has a surprise party for Punisher as he is ambushed by the contract assassin who is none other that the Vulture garbed in red. Is this the original Vulture or a new look Vulture is a question that needs answering.

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