Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Captain America #3

The introduction has Bravo and the new hydra queen scheming on their evil plan. The origin of the hydra queen is still unknown yet but the main crux of the story is Captain America fending off a giant of a Captain America attack. The giant is called Ameridroid, an android built by a mad nazi scientist who has his own consciousness implanted in the android. Sharon Carter also has to face off against Baron Zemo and this new look zemo has a lot of tricks including electrocution. Captain America finally brings down the droid by smashing its face with the shield and Baron Zemo as if on cue makes a hasty exit and pushed Sharon off the building. But Cap was fast on his feet as always and saved her.

The ameridroid is brought to a research lab as Captain America, Sharon and Nick Fury deliberated on the droid's origin.  But nearby elsewhere Bravo and the hydra queen is reactivating the droid. A trap is set and the droid lunged at Captain America and both breaks through the building's barrier and fall down into a portal. The evil plan succeeded and surely enough the portal leads to the dream dimension as Bravo had planned all along. In the dimension, the droid appears as the mad scientist in flesh as everything is possible in a dream. But the scientist was killed off by Bravo making a short lived appearance. Captain America move to disable Bravo was futile as Bravo has total control of the dream dimension. Cap is handicapped in lots of ways fighting in the enemy's den. Mostly the book packs lots of action and it will be interesting to see how Cap will deal with old foes in an unknown landscape of a dream dimension.

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