Friday, October 7, 2011

Punisher 3

Don't be fooled by the cover featuring Punisher and Vulture clashing in mid-air. Truth is the version of vulture in the book is much more sinister looking with fangs and mohawk head. Much of the story involves Punisher trying to stay alive after being ambushed by Vulture in a stake out. A lot of action fight scene  and not much conversation apart from those involving the two detectives investigating the case.

Punisher struggles to come to grips with the Vulture's claws. The Vulture has a habit of toying with its prey and he does so with Punisher clutching the Punisher and taking him out for an airborne ride. There are loads of action in mid-air as the Vulture has the upper hand over Punisher. But Punisher has other idea whipping out a knife and stabbing his opponent. Punisher jabs vulture repeatedly without fear in mid-air is a sight to behold.  Frank delivers the fatal stab and both are in free fall. Punisher as always escaped a death plunge grabbing and maneuvering himself to land on a garbage can. Punisher once again survives to fight another day.

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