Monday, November 14, 2011

Secret Avengers 17

The thing one first notice should be the eye catching of the cover with a menacing looking truck baring down Captain America who looks a lot younger. This time the secret avengers are on a case of  human abduction. The main villain is supposedly a truck that can shoots magnetic force field and has been capturing humans in Serbia. The secrets avengers consisting of Cap, Sharon Carter, War Machine and Valkyrie goes on an undercover mission to disable this menace.

The team gets ambushed straight away over the sky in their space shuttle so there is plenty of action and explosion here. From all the crash and boom on the sky the action directs through the ground as Captain America on a motorbike locates the targeted truck. The truck packs a mean magnetic weapon as war machine and Cap had difficulty getting close to it. After some head on shooting and blasting and a powerful swing of the sword by Valkyrie only the truck comes to a halt. The driver are meat robots created by some unknown organization that has been going around abducting humans to harvest the brains. Overall this is a very straightforward action packed story line by Warren Ellis. Doesn't need much time to finish up the book. One thing unique about this line of avenger title is that there is no visible main villain here which serves the story line better as no introductory background needed on any major villain and their motives.

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