Monday, November 28, 2011

Avengers 17

The avengers watch helplessly as the avengers buildings is destroyed. Sin and her minions are surrounding the area trying to look for something. The avengers getting frustrated and starts complaining a lot. Hawkeye is out of patience and fires an arrow that hits Sin on the neck but that only pisses her off. Ms Marvel tried to attack head on Sin but doesn't do anything to any effect. In fact Sin blasted Ms Marvel far away. The new avengers arrived just in time with Iron Fist landing a punch on Sin.

The protector managed to revive a few dozens of Iron man suits to help in the fight against the Nazi bots. Together with the new avengers of Spiderman, Daredevil and Luke Cage the tide seems to turn to favor the avengers. Sin is getting pulverized by the Iron man suits controlled by the Protector. But Sin has had enough and use the hammer to destroy all the Iron man suits at once. But the Protector also managed to hack in the Nazi bots system and destroyed them leaving Sin as the last one standing. Sin was surrounded by the avengers and facing defeat but a stroke of the hammer transported her away from the scene through the Heimdall observatory which is inside the avengers tower ruins. It was the thing Sin has been looking for at the ruins. Sin transported to asgard is no good news as the war is finally brought unto Odin's doorstep. A lot of action interspersed with some excellent dialogue between the avengers in another informal setting.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Invincible Ironman 509

Tony Stark gets a new suit after returning from the cauldron. He is still alive and the suit packs a mean character which looks like a destroyer. What comes next is the dwarfs has captured the smoke elves that has been trying to kill Tony by casting the spell to create a golem. The dwarf makes it a point for Tony to be the executioner. But Tony wouldn't have any of it and even forbade anyone from executing the elves. Th dwarfs goes berserk and  pushed away Tony to execute the culprits but Tony changed into his new Ironman suit and that stopped everyone right on its track. He then frees the elves.

Meanwhile Pepper Potts is saved when in the last minute the grey gargoyle is summoned by its master the Serpent to rejoin him. The gargoyle chuck her away leaving her stranded in Paris and needed help to get back. In the last panel Ironman prepares for battle when he rejoins the avengers in New York in his new suit and bearing new weapons in what proves to be a battle of life and death. A very straightforward issue which leads to the ultimate final battle.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wolverine 16

Wolverine banished himself to the cold mountains after the previous events and lives among-st wolves. He hunt and run along with the wolves until one day a bunch of hunters traps and capture most of his packs. Wolverine in no form to fight gets shot a few tranquilizer darts but that doesn't put him down till a shot to the head from one of the hunters. Wolverine after waking up who is now pissed tracks down the hunters to their base. It looks like the hunters are also involved in illegal wolf fights. Just that the twist here they use children to fight with wolves. Wolverine kills all of them and rescued the children and reuniting them with their family.

But it is also a corny issue that main focus is to bring back Wolverine back from the cold. At the end his girlfriend Melita tracks him down. Along with her are the avengers and the x-men who are there to support him and bring him back. With all the events that is going on, all the superheroes still have the time to do a gathering is not very believable. A lot of good things and some bad things are said by the super heroes on their opinions on Wolverine. The main gist of the story is a solitary life is not for Wolverine but a superhero's instead.

Monday, November 21, 2011

New Avengers 17

A new story starts with the avengers thick in action engaging a giant Ultimo robot. The avengers have a tough time direct hitting the robot as the robot can absorb kinetic energy and reverse it back to whoever hitting it. The avengers are all unable to stop it until Doctor Strange shows up and use mystical powers to bind the robot. Before long the robot looses its balance and topple down with the help of Iron fist.

Wolverine as his usual berserk mode slash the downed robot but got ambushed by a mini robot that slices Wolverine to get a blood sample. The robot releases a contraption into the sky that disappears so fast even Ms Marvel can't catch up with it. The perpetrator of all this damage is Norman Osborne together with Madame Hydra and Gorgon that made up the new Hammer organization. Initially the mission is to obtain Ironman's armor but that was abandoned after the arrival of the avengers at the scene. So to make up for it, the blood sample of Wolverine would have to do. After the accomplishment of the mission the robot is detonated to explode. The story ends in cliffhanger as the avengers caught unaware as the explosion happen. 
Overall another nicely illustrated issue by Deodato with loads of action by each avenger. Even the facial expression of a frustrated and then happy Norman Osborne is clearly pictured.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Punisher 4

Punisher sustained heavy injuries in the fight with the Vulture previously. He was helped out by a crime reporter Norah who works for the Daily Bugle. They drove back to Punisher's hideout that is stacked with big guns and weapons. There is another dimension in the telling of the story in that it centered on Norah narrating the story as if she was writing a crime report.

The two detectives that is hot on the heels of punisher arrived at the scene of the crime where there lays a dead Vulture. Follow up investigation, detective Clemons is convinced that Norah has helped the punisher to escape the scene of the crime but it was just a guess as there was no concrete evidence. Anyway the punisher didn't get much action in this issue. He only gets to kill two punks who is harassing a guy outside his hideout. He then ordered the guy to help him with his injuries. Seems that punisher is going to take a breather from killing bad guys for some time for his wounds to heal up.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

X-men Schism 5

The final part of X-men schism story line has Cyclops and Wolverine slug it out while the Sentinel is closing down on them. The sentinel threat is like secondary to them as they are too preoccupied trying to kill each other. There is a lot of blood and gore as Wolverine has his face burnt and Cyclops gets pulverized by the Sentinel. As the sentinel reach for the final kill, both of then are saved by the young x-men who returned just in time together to fight the sentinel. The stakes are high, Cyclops and Wolverine decide to put their animosity aside and join in the fight and managed to defeat the sentinel.

In the aftermath, Cyclops and Wolverine decided to part ways over their differences of putting young inexperienced X-men in the battlefield with Wolverine strictly against it. Wolverine decides to leave Utopia and all the young X-men decides to go with him. They boarded the blackbird and arrived at the place of their origin, the Xavier school for gifted children. Now that Wolverine has become the leader of another faction of X-men, things are getting interesting in the development of the Wolverine character. A good ending to a much anticipated story line with a new spin off X-men issue of Wolverine and the X-men in the coming months.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Secret Avengers 17

The thing one first notice should be the eye catching of the cover with a menacing looking truck baring down Captain America who looks a lot younger. This time the secret avengers are on a case of  human abduction. The main villain is supposedly a truck that can shoots magnetic force field and has been capturing humans in Serbia. The secrets avengers consisting of Cap, Sharon Carter, War Machine and Valkyrie goes on an undercover mission to disable this menace.

The team gets ambushed straight away over the sky in their space shuttle so there is plenty of action and explosion here. From all the crash and boom on the sky the action directs through the ground as Captain America on a motorbike locates the targeted truck. The truck packs a mean magnetic weapon as war machine and Cap had difficulty getting close to it. After some head on shooting and blasting and a powerful swing of the sword by Valkyrie only the truck comes to a halt. The driver are meat robots created by some unknown organization that has been going around abducting humans to harvest the brains. Overall this is a very straightforward action packed story line by Warren Ellis. Doesn't need much time to finish up the book. One thing unique about this line of avenger title is that there is no visible main villain here which serves the story line better as no introductory background needed on any major villain and their motives.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Resurrection Man 1

Resurrection Man first issue starts with him being resurrected. A very good way to introducing the character. He wakes up and finds himself gaining the power of manipulating steel.  He leaves the morgue quietly slipping away and went to the airport. The description of his ability is so detailed that one will find it at ease reading the character's narration. On the plane to Portland, he encounters a hot woman who sits beside him. After some chatting, the woman started to talk weird about Resurrection man's soul being overdue and turned into a metal like beast that looks like an angel.

The angel beast starts to rips the body of the plane with its wings and Resurection man takes it on with his power over metal abilities. Resurrection man brings the fight outside the plane in the sky and the angel beast can't stop blabbering about the the afterlife and the dead. Resurrection man has had enough and conjures a magnetic field that electrocuted the beast but he himself gets sucked into the plane's engine grinding him to pieces. A terrible way to die but he resurrects at the plane crash site and makes a run for it before authorities arrive. Also gains a new power that enables him to turn into liquid. Meanwhile there are a couple of girls looking for him at the morgue and they mean business killing hostages at the morgue.

The introduction issue that will piqued interests to new readers as Resurrection man is being after by inhumane powers that be. Prepare for more twists later in the story line. With great art that reminds of comics from yesteryear hopeful this resurrected character have a long story to tell.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Batman The Dark Knight 1

Batman kicks of the issue spectacularly dropping in from the batman jet to attend a conference. He has everything ready to prepare himself for a speech as Bruce Wayne. After mingling with some ladies and guests, getting threatened by a cop and meeting a hot friend, Batman is back to business. The action truly begins when the prisoners in arkham asylum broke out and started rioting.

Batman arrives just in time as a police assault team is about to engage the prisoners. The worst of Batman's villains have broken out. The artist visualize the villains vividly and the villains two page spread is worth a second look. Batman leads the police assault team to locate Harvey Dent aka Two Face. Some other villain in a rabbit suit has been sneaking around trying to cause a distraction. But wait till you see the last page, a shocking appearance by a hulking Two Face. Looks like some one has been working out!

Overall the rendering of the characters is very engaging and top notch most notably the new look Two Face. Definitely the main attraction is Batman in action against the villains, truly magnificent art it is. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Amazing Spiderman 670

The spider infestation continues as all human beings in New York city starts turning into real life human sized spiders with furs and fangs. Even the avenger Hawkeye is not spared as he turned into one.  Spiderman has problems of his own when his girlfriend also turned into a spider and blend in with the rest leaving Spiderman unable to locate which one is her. There is a background introduction to the villain behind all this, Adriana Soria  aka the Queen a super powered being who have fought with Spiderman and Captain America.

The anti-venom is the one with the cure as his name suggests. Venom now a government agent confronts the anti-venom to bring him in to provide the cure. The bad blood between the symbiotes nearly makes venom kills anti-venom. Lots of characters involved here with the X-men Emma Frost, Strom and Gambit having to deal with the onslaught.
Meanwhile the mayor Jonah Jameson is freaking out as scrambles to find a cure before he himself turned to a spider. The mayor is desperate enough to get the help of the spider slayer who have in the past killed Jameson's wife. The spider slayer starts taunting about the desperation of Jameson but that is the biggest mistake he will make as the Queen starts controlling Jameson's mind turning him into a crazed spider which eventually bites the spider slayer dead as Spiderman watch helplessly.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Uncanny X-men 543

The X-men had a final showdown with Juggernaut. The main event in this issue is the fight between Colossus and Juggernaut. The patron god Juggernaut Cyttorak has revoked the powers bestowed upon Juggernaut just as Colossus makes a grand entrance teleporting in and tackling Juggernaut. Colossus infused with new power  by Cyttorak matched  Juggernaut blow by blow. Colossus tired of handling the Jugernaut's powerful blow dragged Juggernaut and run up to speed that is unimaginable. Finally the Serpent sick of this extracted Juggernaut from the battle and all threat to San Francisco is over.

Meanwhile back in Utopia, Emma Frost under a spell tried to kill Hope. The intervention of Namor prevented this and the romance between them heats up a few degrees in this scene. On the other side, Cyclops makes a point to the hot mayor about trying to bomb out the mutant sanctuary, Utopia which she never will forget.

Once again the work by Greg Land is top notch especially the battle scene and the ladies. Even without a story line it will make this issue worth buying. A lot of lightning and blast scene that is richly colored making this one hell of an ending of Juggernaut's fear threat to humanity and X-men.