Monday, July 25, 2011

Avengers 12.1

Here is a standalone issue just before the big event Fear Itself. The story concentrate more on the appearance of an unknown extraterestial entity and spiderwoman dispatch herself to investigate at Wakanda. As she stumbles on the source of the alien entity, she was surrounded and kidnapped by a group of villains. These so called second rated villains called themselves the intelligentsia as they are smart people amde up of the wizard, thinker, modok and red ghost. They seek to experiment the unknown alien entity that is in some sort of mummy steel casing that they found.

The avengers and the s.w.o.r.d organization that monitors aliens activities proceed to track down spiderwoman on learning about her disappearance. No one gets left behind even in avengers. They tracked her down to the villains headquarters and a battle ensues. Before long the avengers overpowered them. Modok is pulverized by Thor with just a swipe of the Mjolnir. Soon after the alien entity already being prodded by some of the villains is awoken. It is revealed that it is Ultron, the enhanced a.i. robot created by Tony Stark a few years back.

Thor leap into action and give it another of Mjolnir's blow causing the whole place to explode. What causes the explosion is not exactly revealed but Ultron managed to escape in the confusion as it is not ready for a battle yet. Surely with the return of this indestructible Ultron after being banished from earth will cause massive damage in issues to come. But not before the event in fear itself is ongoing. The pencils by Bryan Hitch is as usual very awesome and life like especially the full spread pages.If only there were more full page spreads especially of the fight sequence.

 Notable event: Ultron is back on earth

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