Friday, July 15, 2011

Wolverine #9

An issue with revenge on Wolverine's mind as he goes after the people that has put him through hell previously. Very straightforward and not much talking involve here. Wolverine is going after Mystique which some how connected with the unknown red right hand. Red right hand send a lord Deathstrike with a Japanese mask to shut up Mystique but she just cannot die. She'd been shot, blown and practically sliced in this issue.

 Who is this lord Deathstrike remains unknown but he certainly has a lot of arsenal up his sleeves including a phasing device that makes him go through the wall and shoes that walks on walls. There's a creative auction of a dead body and a bunch of ninjas appear at the end. Could the Hand want a piece of the action?
Notable events: Wolverine kills Mystique again but only for a few hours. Starting to looks like lovers quarrel.

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