Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fear Itself Spiderman 1

The story here describes the fear that is gripping New York city residents a few hours after 'fear itself' begins. Here spidey narrates through all the crazy thing that is happening to the citizens. People are beginning to fear about everything that is needed to be feared about. In the first few panes spiderman have to save an Iranian taxi cab driver from a mob hell bent on lynching the cab driver. Mobs are everywhere and the city is in chaos.

Even Spiderman isn't spared as his constantly trying to contact aunt May by phone ended in futile. Spidey begins to start thinking all the bad things that could have happened to her. Meanwhile Spiderman has to do a lot of saving and rescuing in the city including stopping a van fully loaded with explosives from ramming into the police station and exploding. Only for the police to misinterpret what spidey has done and instead blamed him on the attack. Spiderman have to escape with the cops shooting at him.

In the final action, Spiderman managed to save a guy from jumping down a building only to be undone by his running out off web fluids and causing both to fall midway from the building. Spidey injured and barely able to stand then gets surrounded and attacked by rats as the villain behind it, the vermin is revealed in the final pane

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